The Limiting Factor for Running PPC Campaign
Money is the major factor. The reason is very simple. Google is the only search engine popular in India, and millions of websites want to rank on top and the charges are quite hefty. If thousands of visitors click your link—immaterial whether you get business or not—Google charges you for these clicks and your initial deposit may exhaust in no time.
Unless you have deep pockets or you can afford to invest heavily, at least initially, PPC is the best bet. As an alternate, you can also spend some money on PPC and also invest in SEO services and try to do a mix-and-match and wait-and-watch type of campaigns.
Advertising with PPC
Most firms utilize this way out to get traffic. Whenever someone searches a particular keyword, say Web Hosting, your website name appears on top of that search result. When the visitor clicks on your advertisement link, Google brings the visitor to your site and you pay a specified amount to Google. (Basically, you pay Google some amount upfront and with each click, Google deducts the amount and your advertisement appears till that money lasts).
It is not as easy as it appears right now. You need a dependable partner who can devise the best advertising campaign and suggest you the best keywords with optimized rates so that a small amount of money lasts long and for less money, you get more traffic. Even this is not all.
Why is PPC best?
The best part of PPC is, you know from where the visitors are landing on your site and how long they stay and other such information. Google provides all this supplementary info and you can devise your future campaigns. For example, you may know that most people arrive from a particular city. So next time you may start a campaign, which focuses on that city, which would be cheaper and bring maximum visitor footfalls.
If you need any clarifications, feel free to visit our Contact and shoot us your queries. We love to answer and that too, ASAP.
Why Magetrue Solutions Pvt Ltd excels in PPC Campaigns?
We will first analyze your needs, your website, and check its various aspects. We will explain on your budget and all such details. Our experts will then formulate a package, which is cost effective and brings maximum revenue. The vast experienced PPC specialised professionals will make the perfect ad campaigns related to your website, which will boost the traffic and revenue to your website. Our in-house content writers will provide best content to attract visitors. As a result you get the best of both worlds.
You need to know the best time to start your advertising campaign.

Some of the features of our services include:
Some periods are not conducive to launching new campaigns, for example, when most people move out for family outings, holidays etc. Similarly, there can be many other periods, which a newbie, like you, may not know. For this very reason, it is of utmost importance to find out an able partner who can take you by hand, explain all the nitty gritty and launch the successful campaign and get you the visitors you always wanted.
You have two ways to make your website visible:
- Advertise (using PPC or Pay Per Click campaigns), or
- Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and wait for the visitors to trickle. But mind you, this may take ages. Moreover, unless there is a good stream of visitors, you cannot expect any business because not all visitors have commercial interests.